More Than 200 Trigg County Christmas Angels Ready For Adoption


More than 200 children and forgotten adults can be adopted through the Trigg County Beta Nu Angel Tree Program this year. Beta Nu Angel Tree Director Nancy Moore says most of the angels are children, with a few forgotten adults.

click to download audioMoore says angels are at all local banks and the Trigg County Clerk’s office.

click to download audioShe says if you want to adopt an angel this year, you still have more than a week to shop.

click to download audioMoore says most of angels have sizes to allow shoppers to select the correct clothing.

click to download audioFor those who do not want to shop, Moore says donations are always welcome.

click to download audioShe says donations are used to help finish shopping for angels after the presents are returned.

click to download audioMoore says the angel tree presents will be distributed to families on Saturday, December 17, at the Cadiz Baptist Church Annex.


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