There may be enough rain coming this week to get western Kentucky out of its drought status with possible cold weather meaning a wintry mix next week.
Weather Edge forecaster David Powell says the rain is here for the week.
click to download audioPowell says the weekend will bring temperatures into the 50s before a cold front moves through the region.
click to download audioHowever, Powell says movement in the system will determine what type of moisture falls from the sky.
click to download audioAfter spring rainfall tracked five inches above normal, the drought conditions of the last five months have seen the rainfall track six inches below normal as the year comes to an end. Powell thinks there will be enough rain this week to take us out of drought conditions.
click to download audioThe National Weather Service is calling for 2-3 inches of rain in Lyon and Caldwell counties through Thursday night with Trigg, Christian, and Todd counties likely to receive between three and four inches of rain.
According to station weather records, the last time it rained more than an inch was the Sunday of Labor Day weekend. The last time we received over two inches in one day was on February 17 when 2.82 inches fell, while the only day this year when more than three inches of rain fell was New Year’s Day at 3.25 inches.