Sen. Westerfield To Continue As Senate Judiciary Committee Chair


3rd District State Senator Whitney Westerfield will continue to serve as the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Senate President Robert Stivers and Senate Leadership announced the 2023-24 Senate Majority Caucus member committee assignments on Monday which was released Friday.

According to the Senate Majority Caucus, Westerfield has served as the chair of the committee since January 2013 and has been the vice chair of the Senate Veterans, Military Affairs and Public Protection Committee in January 2013 and 2014. Keeping with his focus on legal matters, Westerfield has also been the co-chair of both the Unified Juvenile Code Task Force during the 2013 Interim as well as the co-chair for the Jail and Corrections Reform Task Force during the 2020 Interim.

In a statement, Westerfield said he is grateful for the confidence the Senate Majority Caucus leadership has in him to continue the challenging work the judiciary committee always provides. He went on to say he is equally excited to band together with his vice-chair, Senator Phillip Wheeler. He noted together they will work to improve the efficiency of our legal system and strive to make Kentucky safer.

The Senate Majority Caucus also indicates Westerfield will participate in the newly formed Senate Families and Children Committee.

Senator Westerfield represents Caldwell, Christian and Muhlenberg counties.

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