Christian County Public Schools hopes to tackle three pillars from its strategic plan with a new early learning academy. Thursday night, the Board of Education discussed at length the possibility of expanding beyond pre-school.
Assistant Superintendant Jessica Addison says the industries in Hopkinsville are having a similiar issue as the school system with employee retention.
click to download audioShe adds the Inspire Early Learning Academy would provide services to 120 children and families and employ 24.
click to download audioThe 2 to 5 year old program would be the start of universal four year old pre-k, improve teacher recruiting and retention, and community engagement. Concerns were voiced about taking away from current businesses, but First Christian Church Senior Minister, Wade Miller says Promiseland, like other daycares and preschools, have a waiting list.
click to download audioBoth student members agreed it was a good idea, with Carly Chaudoin saying teachers would benefit.
click to download audioThe Board voted 3 to 1 to approve moving forward with the project, hiring a director, and changing the salary schedule. Seed money for the project is coming from the industries. The Inspire Early Learning Academy will be housed at MLK Elementary.