With the rush on for last-minute online Christmas shopping, the Cadiz Police Department is reminding people to be vigilant about packages that are expected to be delivered this week.
Cadiz Police Chief Duncan Wiggins said a good tip is to put technology to work for you.
click to download audioWiggins also said to make sure your online and delivery information is up to date with the shipping service you use.
click to download audioThe chief said having packages delivered to places of employment is another way to guard against deliveries being left unattended at homes.
click to download audioIf you feel like your package was delivered to your home but you never received it, Wiggins said to check the delivery tracking and call the service responsible.
click to download audioWhile finders keepers is a general rule for children, Wiggins said it does not extend to packages erroneously delivered to the wrong house.
click to download audioC & R Research said 1 in 7 Americans have fallen victim to porch pirates this year and some more than once. 67% have had one package stolen, 22% have had two, and 11% have had three or more stolen.
The average value of stolen packages is $112.