Pennyrile Electric And HES Implement Rolling Blackouts To Protect Power Grid


Paradise Power Plant, built in the 1960s, burned its last load of coal last month. (TVA Photo)

Pennyrile Electric and Hopkinsville Electric are joining other Tennessee Valley Authority power customers in implementing rolling blackouts to help preserve the power grid.

Pennyrile Electric and Hopkinsville Electric announced that TVA is requiring all local power companies to implement brief interruptions again this morning to reduce the load on the power grid.

Pennyrile Electric says the interruptions will last approximately 15 minutes in an area, then power will be restored and another area will experience an interruption.

HES General Manager Jeff Hurd said Hopkinsville Electric began the rolling power outages at 5:30, with 15 to 30 minute outages planned around Hopkinsville.

Pennyrile Electric Vice-President of Member Services Brent Gilkey says the interruptions are designed to help ease the extreme power load created by the winter storm.

click to download audioHES’ Jeff Hurd says there is a plan in place for Hopkinsville to help reduce power usage.

click to download audioBoth Gilkey and Hurd say it is important the customers work to preserve power when it is on and try to reduce usage as much as possible until weather conditions improve.

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