Hopkinsville Salvation Army Reports Successful Holiday Season


The Hopkinsville Salvation Army is reporting a successful coat drive during Monday’s Martin Luther King Day march in Hopkinsville on the heels of a successful fundraising campaign in 2022. Commander Lt. Lindsay Gallabeas says they were happy

Thomas Files Bill Concerning Metal Wheels On Roadways


Eighth District State Representative Walker Thomas is sponsoring legislation that could require any vehicles with metal wheels on roadways to contain a rubber strip to protect the surface of the roadway from damage. Thomas says he filed

Alvin Armstrong, 62, of Cadiz

Memorial Services for 62 year old Alvin Eugene Armstrong, Sr. of Cadiz will be held Friday, January 20, at 5:30 pm at King’s Funeral Home. Visitation will be on Friday, January 20, 2023 from 4:30 -5:30 at