Christian County Veterans Treatment Court Graduates Two

Of Kentucky’s 120 counties, only a handful can say they’re able to support and staff a Veterans Treatment Court — Jefferson. Fayette. Hardin. Boone. Campbell. Kenton. And Christian.

Designed to assist active military personnel and branch retirees, the program helps those who have become involved in a jurisdiction’s criminal justice system by a variety of means, usually suffering from mental health issues and substance abuse either tangentially or directly linked to combat trauma, PTSD, brain injury and behavioral concerns.

Monday afternoon in District Courtroom No. 2 of the Justice Center in Hopkinsville, Judge Foster Cotthoff was able to announce and laud the 15-month graduation of two such veterans in Charles Lee Clary and Randall Johnson — each of which were convicted of DUI in Christian County more than a year ago, but had completed the program with aplomb.

In true “leave no person behind” fashion, Clary’s former Army officer — Joshua Dillree — said he’s seen remarkable progress in his friend.

Clary admittedly didn’t have “too much to say,” but he’s eager to return to Texas and perhaps develop a craft furniture business — now clean following a poor decision.

Former VTC Coordinator Tom Danter noted that Johnson came to his office “the day after he retired,” needing guidance and a voice to get through the program.

Danter called Johnson “a model example,” and one that could help others in the future with steering.

At 38 years old 15 months ago, Johnson said he was at the top of his career and unstoppable, before coming off of the rails.

No longer with the answers, he sought the assistance from a glass bottle.

Calling himself “reckless,” Johnson added that the VTC order brought him clarity and perspective — and turned him toward gainful employment after the military, and a better relationship with his wife.

He also said there was “no reason” to beat the system, because it “always leads back to the Christian County Jail.”

In order to learn more about VTC options in Christian County, contact Coordinator Elizabeth Holland by email:

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