Cadiz VFW Post 7890 Honors Local Essay Winners

Following a Thursday night spaghetti dinner provided by the Cadiz VFW Post 7890, Trigg County High School senior Makenna Potts took to the podium — and recited in full her most recent essay, titled “Why Is The Veteran Important?”

Three minutes in length, her passionate words were good enough to recently capture the state’s crown for the Kentucky VFW “Voice of Democracy” competition — one that nabbed her $100 at the local level, $1,000 at the state level, and entered her into a national competition, where the top prize is $35,000.

She’s the first-ever Trigg Countian to nab the honor, and will get her next chance at a win in March.

Inspired by the movie “Flags of Our Fathers” and a Philip Zimbardo’s TED Talk on “The Pyschology of Evil,” Potts poignantly noted that soldiers are simply people, doing heroic things when needed most.

Potts earned a standing ovation from the crowd, and later noted both the film and Zimbardo’s words combined could bring an important message to the public.

Potts said it really didn’t take her long to craft the speech, either.

It all just came together, and she added that public speaking feels natural to her because of her leadership experiences along the drum line in the Trigg County High School band.

Potts also wasn’t the only person recognized for her efforts Thursday night.

“Patriot Pen” winners from Trigg County Middle School included Keaton Nichols (first place, $100), Broderick Renfroe (second place, $75) and Ashton Le (third place, $50), while other “Voice of Democracy” local winners from the high school included Maria Ricks (second place, $75) and Jessica Ethridge (third place, $50).

Trigg County teachers also swept state honors and will get to compete nationally in their divisions. Gena Allen was named the 2023 Kentucky VFW “Intermediate School Teacher of the Year,” Kim Mroch was named the 2023 Kentucky VFW “Middle School Teacher of the Year,” and Maureen Llarena was tabbed as the 2023 Kentucky VFW “High School Teacher of the Year.”

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