Christian County Public Schools Local Facilities Planning Committee meeting February 9, 2023
The Christian County Public Schools Facility Planning Committee is sending a revised plan to the Kentucky Department of Education for review. Thursday night, the Committee gathered at the Board office to discuss the potential changes. Superintendent Chris Bentzel says the amendment would move 6th grade back into the middle schools and transition three other buildings.
click to download audioBentzel reiterated the plan he outlined at the State of the Schools breakfast last week – MLK no longer serving as an elementary school, HMS moving to the building, Indian Hills moving to the old HMS, and Indian Hills building becoming the home of the Inspire Early learning center and Pre-K 4.
click to download audioSeveral community members spoke about concerns they had. Shelia Bailey expressed her desire to keep the name MLK.
click to download audioShannon Wood asked the Committee to consider the children and how they could feel bouncing around buildings.
click to download audioCaleb Ballard says decisions have not been thoroughly explained to the public and there is no trust in the administration.
click to download audioBentzel says the district has contracted with Davis Demographics to study the student shifts and recommend how to evenly distribute to the remaining seven elementary schools. He adds the change to a freshman academy at Hopkinsville High and 10 through 12 grades at County High is not under LPC review.
click to download audioThe committee voted 18 to 1 to approve the changes and send the plan to KDE. It is expected KDE will have the plan for 30 days before sending it back with revisions. The Facilities Planning Committee will reconvene, hold additional public hearings, and if approved, the plan would then go before the local and state Boards of Education for approval.