Kentucky’s spring fire season began Wednesday which makes it illegal to burn during the day to help prevent forest fires.
The spring fire season runs from February 15 through April 30. During this time, state law makes it illegal for anyone to start a fire within 150 feet of any woods or brush line between the hours of 6 am to 6 pm. After 6 pm, a fire should only be started if the conditions are suitable to keep it under control.
State Forester Brandon Howard said March and April are typically high wildfire occurrence months, but the division has already responded to 116 wildland fires since January 1. While 10% of the wildfires so far this year were a result of downed power lines sparking fires during wind events, the majority of the wildfires have been a result of outdoor debris burning and arson.
According to the Kentucky Division of Forestry, wildfires are more than 99-percent human-caused. Deliberately set fires are the number one cause, followed by the burning of fields or debris. Other causes are sparks from faulty equipment, downed electrical lines, children playing with fire, and escaped campfires.