Some buildings in downtown Hopkinsville are coming down, while a building in the southern portion of town will be renovated to facilitate a fire department.
Hopkinsville Mayor J.R. Knight tells Your News Edge he has great memories of downtown, but some of the current buildings are unsafe.
The buildings slated to be torn down include 806, 808, and 810-812 South Main Street. Hopkinsville City Council approved the demolition of the buildings during a special called meeting Thursday, February 16.
As for the Phoenix Building, Mayor Knight says there is still time for a decision to be made by the owner.
After the buildings on South Main Street are torn down, Knight remains hopeful that businesses will want to plant their brand downtown.
In other news, because of expansions for the Hopkinsville city limits, a fire station will be located at 101 Walton Way, off of Bradshaw Road, in the near future.
Knight says the new fire station will help with the response of emergency calls in the southern end of Christian County.
Hopkinsville City Council voted to purchase the ten-acre parcel of land near the Walmart Distribution Center for $2.5 million on Tuesday evening, February 7. A building on the property will be renovated to facilitate the needs of the emergency response units.
In November 2022, the city received a feasibility study from PFGW Architects on the needs of the Hopkinsville Fire Department, as the city continues to grow. The report recommended the addition of two fire stations, costing an estimated $19 million.