Dry weather in the middle part of February has allowed a pair of construction projects on the Trigg County Schools campus to progress on schedule.
In his monthly update to Your News Edge, Superintendent Bill Thorpe said exterior work on the new co-curricular building and the vocational building is progressing well. However, he said they are waiting on a major part to be installed.
click to download audioThorpe added some availability issues have caused the school board to issue some change orders that fall within the project’s contingency fund.
click to download audioThe two-story vocational building was built in 1974 and houses the school’s agriculture and business pathways in addition to the Trigg Tots daycare program.
Removed as part of the project was the greenhouse that was constructed in the 1960s near the Quonset huts and moved behind the vocational building in 1999 when the new middle school was built. It is expected to return when the vocational building project is complete.
Thorpe said teachers and students have sacrificed current conveniences as they take a look at the bigger picture.
click to download audioThe renovation is mostly funded by a $10 million grant from the state with $800,000 paid for by the district.
Meanwhile, the co-curricular building is also seeing daily progress although the recent windy weather has hampered the efforts some.
click to download audioThe building adjacent to Perdue Field will have restrooms and a ticket office for football and track events. It will also serve as an indoor facility for wrestling, cheerleading, and archery. In addition, the marching band and other athletic teams can use the facility when the weather is bad.
The $6.2 million project also includes the now completed pressbox at Perdue Field.
The school district used American Rescue Plan Act ESSER funds for the project and moved $4.1 million from the general fund.
The co-curricular building is expected to be completed by the start of the fall sports season.