Brockman Announces September Retirement As Hopkinsville Parks Superintendent

Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation Superintendent Tab Brockman notified city officials Wednesday that he will be retiring from his position on September 1.
Woman Injured In Wednesday Woodmill Road Crash

A wreck on Woodmill Road sent a woman to the hospital Wednesday afternoon.
Planning Underway For 2023 Trigg County Country Ham Festival

Believe it or not, it’s already time to start planning for the 2023 annual Trigg County Country Ham Festival.
Streeval Could Avoid Trial With Mediation On Table

Mediation remains on the way for Montie Streeval.
Jett Trial Date Moved To September 2024

Harold Jett’s defense attorneys — Amie Martinez and Rick Lawniczak — now have a little extra time to prepare their efforts for the Illinois man charged with murdering his aunt.
Both Sides Seeking Resolution In Curtis Murder

A July trial date may not happen for Shaylynn Curtis, the Trigg County woman charged with killing her infant child in 2021.
Stewart Seeking Long-Term Treatment As Murder Trial Approaches

A co-defendant alongside Jonathan McCoy in the pending murder trial for Trigg County’s Thelma “Ileen” Barnett, more evidence is coming from both sides regarding Keisha Stewart’s potential involvement.
Commonwealth Says California Witnesses May Testify In Stinson Trial

When the trial of Cadiz man Landon Stinson begins September 18, there may be some out-of-state testimony coming on behalf of the prosecution.
Garrard County Attorney Seeking State Treasurer Position

An east-central Kentucky county attorney is among the Republican candidates seeking to win the May Primary Election in order to run for the state treasurer position this year.
Boil Water Advisory Issued for Parts of Witty Lane

The Christian County Water District has issued a boil water advisory for parts of Witty Lane due to a main line break.