The Christian County Cattleman’s Association is celebrating record membership in 2022, with the organization planning for an exciting 2023.
Nearly one hundred members of the association turned out Tuesday night for the Spring meeting at the Christian County Extension Office. Retiring President Dustin Love says one of the highlights of the 2022 was the introduction of smoked beef brisket at the Christian County Cattleman’s Rodeo in August.
click to download audioLove says the organization continues to work to grow membership and provide more opportunities for them.
click to download audioThe Christian County Cattleman’s Association set a membership record in 2022 by topping the 300 member mark, with the association also recognized for being the 4th largest in the state of Kentucky.
He adds there are some plans working to enhance the annual Christian County Cattleman’s Rodeo in August.
click to download audioNew President Bradley Bardwell says he is excited to lead the organization, and is excited about the work the cooking team is doing with brisket.
click to download audioBardwell encouraged farmers who raise cattle and members of the agribusiness community to join the organization.
click to download audioMembers also heard a state update from Don Pemberton, who paid a special tribute to Lanny and Sheryl Boyd who were inducted into the Kentucky Cattleman’s Hall of Fame in January.
And members heard information Boehringer Ingeheim Senior Sales Representative Jim Morse about a product called Longrange that is designed to help control parasites in cattle.