Pendleton Brings Campbell Strong Message To SWK EDC

As the nation’s third-largest military installation, Fort Campbell will continue to be a bastion for business and development in west Kentucky and northwest Tennessee.

And as its leadership seeks to prepare for the future of industry and innovation, so, too, will its surrounding communities.

During a recent visit with the South Western Kentucky Economic Development Council and its constituents, Campbell Strong Defense Alliance President & CEO Kelli Pendleton shared a three-fold vision of expected pursuits for the post: Future Vertical Lift, an advanced workforce initiative and the promotion of local stewardship and post-Army partnerships.

Future Vertical Lift, Pendleton said, is the military’s plan to develop a family of five helicopters and aircraft for the United States Armed Forces that would share common hardware such as sensors, avionics, countermeasures and engines. In development since 2004, Pendleton said there’s expectations in Fort Campbell to be the first installation to receive the training and ordnances.

This, she added, would lead to a need for local and regional companies who make the “widgets and gadgets” necessary for mass production.

Pendleton said the next piece of this work “diversification” could also include hard looks at 5G, cybernetics and artificial intelligence tech, as well as resiliency and readiness prep for potential natural disasters, deployments and/or national response — for Fort Campbell, and for the region.

This is where an advanced workforce initiative has started to launch into the next level.

Fort Campbell has always had a transitioning team that assists soldiers shifting to civilian life, but recently Pendleton noted her organization has stepped into to further develop a career-strong CSP — or a career skills path.

She described this as a six-month internship, in which the Army pays a soldier to connect with a regional outfit and then move into a full-time position with said company. This includes about 10-to-15 different options in and around Fort Campbell.

But what happens when a soldier doesn’t want any of those opportunities? What if they want a different career path after the military? Using Pennyrile Rural Electric President & CEO Alan Gates as an example, Pendleton said one could do whatever they want.

As a side result of CSP’s, however, are the soldiers who’ve been so busy in their final months, that they haven’t had the time to engage in a six-month internship.

And Pendleton said this current wave of soldiers leaving the military, often between the ages of 22 and 26, are looking for nearby jobs right away.

Stewardship and post-Army relationships, meanwhile, comes with networking.

Campbell Strong’s current and future plans align well with where officials of the SWK EDC hope commerce and business is headed for the Pennyrile. The I-24 Business Park in Trigg County and Commerce Park II in Christian County have long been billed as “future homes” of aerospace and defense industry, and for a host of reasons.

— More than 120 major universities and 75 community & technical colleges are within a 200-mile radius, education the next generation of the workforce.

— Already owning high aptitude for aerospace and defense training, Fort Campbell observes between 400 and 600 soldiers exiting the military each month, with many hoping to stay in the area for jobs and family.

— Within one hour, residents and businesses of Trigg, Christian and Todd counties can be at the Nashville International Airport.

— More than 85% of the country’s population can be reached within a 600-to-700-mile shipping radius, and south west Kentucky is situated within 250 miles of several major markets, including: Nashville, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Louisville, Knoxville and more.

— One the most important shipping lanes, especially for large freight, is the Eddyville Riverport in Lyon County. From many sites in this tri-county area, it’s less than 40 miles travel.

— And more than 460,000 reside in this regional labor shed, which includes western Kentucky and northwest Tennessee.

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