Three Trigg County natives are celebrating achievements in the 4-H program.
Heidi Hite, a gold achievement winner, and a Murray State University student tells Your News Edge the achievement program is quite extensive.
Hite says there are several highlights over her decade of being in the program.
Sarah Sink, a gold achievement winner, and a senior at Trigg County High School has been a part of 4-H since she could join the Clover Bud program.
During her recent interview process, Edge Media Group News and Ag Director Alan Watts was among her judges.
Both Hite and Sink will attend Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference in June in Lexington and National 4-H Congress in Atlanta.
Sarah’s sister, Anna Sink, who is working through the silver achievement program, is making a difference as she continues her high school career.
Anna is a part of the Kentucky State Healthy Living Leadership Board because she wants to advocate 4-H to children across the Commonwealth.
She is sharing her knowledge with children here at home.
After reaching the gold achievement award, 4-H members have the chance to reach the emerald achievement award, with only four awarded in each state every year.