In a second job creation announcement for Hopkinsville Thursday, Governor Andy Beshear highlighted the continued momentum of the state’s manufacturing industry.
The governor’s office said Toyota Boshoku America Inc. (TBA) will invest more than $225 million to construct a new facility in Hopkinsville and create 157 quality jobs for Kentuckians.
“Kentucky’s manufacturing industry has seen incredible growth and momentum recently, and that isn’t stopping anytime soon,” said Gov. Beshear. “We continue to see quality companies choose the commonwealth to expand their business and invest in our communities, and that speaks to our resources and talented workforce. Toyota Boshoku has played a major role in our state’s manufacturing sector for years, and I am thrilled to see them add another facility here in Kentucky. I want to thank the company’s leadership for continuing to believe in the commonwealth and look forward to the success of their newest plant.”
The new facility will include a 365,400-square-foot building pad on 49 acres in Christian County. The plant will be the first TBA location globally to be considered a “Smart Plant.” The facility will employ innovative, cutting-edge technologies such as advanced robotics, planning and automation to streamline processes, reduce waste and enhance productivity to maximize efficiency and operations. By implementing these technologies, the company will create a more efficient and environmentally responsible operation that will serve as a model for others to follow. The new facility will be the company’s fifth location in the commonwealth. Construction is expected to begin in June of this year and be completed in August 2024.
“Our company’s history in Kentucky started 35 years ago,” said Hidenori Ozaki, president and CEO at TBA. “Since that time, we have grown our presence in the state, including bringing our America’s region corporate headquarters to Erlanger 15 years ago. We believe Christian County and the city of Hopkinsville are the ideal location for our next Kentucky site. We appreciate the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Christian County and Hopkinsville for their ongoing support of manufacturing in the state. We are excited to continue strengthening our relationship with the Commonwealth of Kentucky through the launch of this new facility.”
Toyota Boshoku Corp., one of the world’s premium interior systems suppliers and filter manufacturers, develops and produces interior, filtration and powertrain components. With its global headquarters in Kariya City, Japan, Toyota Boshoku is the parent company of TBA, which is based in Erlanger, Kentucky. TBA and its affiliates employ over 12,000 team members in 22 locations throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. The company is a premier manufacturer of automotive interior systems, which include seat, door trim, headliner, substrate and carpet in addition to air and oil filters for a variety of customers such as Toyota, BMW and Subaru. In Kentucky, the company currently operates three full production plants, located in Bardstown, Harrodsburg and Lebanon. With the completion of this plant, TBA will employ over 1,100 Kentuckians across five locations throughout the commonwealth.
This expansion adds to Kentucky’s thriving manufacturing sector, which includes more than 5,000 facilities and employs over 250,000 people statewide. Administration-to-date, more than 570 new location and expansion projects from manufacturers are expected to create nearly 28,000 full-time jobs with over $21 billion in new investments.
Christian County Judge/Executive Jerry Gilliam thanked company leadership for their decision to locate and invest in the community and surrounding region.
“On behalf of Christian County Fiscal Court and the residents of Christian County, I offer my heartfelt appreciation to Toyoda Boshoku’s leadership for this sizeable investment in our community and region,” said Judge Gilliam. “We recognize that an international company, like Toyoda Boshoku, ran an extensive process and considered several locations. We are confident they’ll enjoy success with our strong workforce, outstanding quality of life, and affordable cost of business.”
Hopkinsville Mayor James Knight welcomes the company to the community and looks forward to their partnership with Hopkinsville.
“Hopkinsville is honored to celebrate a significant industrial announcement and foreign direct investment as Toyoda Boshoku plans a $225 million capital investment creating over 157 awesome jobs,” said Mayor Knight. “We are thrilled they found the perfect location in Hopkinsville’s South Park and are becoming a part of our corporate family in Southwestern Kentucky!”
Carter Hendricks, executive director of the South Western Kentucky Economic Development Council, thanked local and state officials for helping to bring this project to Hopkinsville.
“We are excited Toyoda Boshoku has chosen Hopkinsville’s South Park for their new smart facility investment creating over 157 great jobs and a sizeable capital investment,” said Hendricks. “We thank Gov. Andy Beshear, Cabinet for Economic Development Secretary Jeff Noel, TVA, and our local and regional partners for supporting this incredible project. We look forward to supporting their growth for decades to come.”
John Bradley, Tennessee Valley Authority’s senior vice president of economic development, congratulated the company on their new facility and future success in the region.
“TVA and Pennyrile RECC congratulate Toyota Boshoku America Inc. on its decision to establish operations in Hopkinsville,” said Bradley. “We are proud to partner with the City of Hopkinsville, Christian County and the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development to support companies like Toyota Boshoku America and look forward to its future business success in the region.”
TBA’s investment and planned job creation furthers recent economic momentum in the commonwealth, as the state builds back stronger from the effects of the pandemic.