Clarksville Man Receives Prison Sentence for Murdering Enlisted Wife


A Clarksville man convicted of murdering his wife and shooting another man at Fort Campbell was sentenced to life in prison plus ten years in prison Thursday in federal court.

33-year-old Victor Silvers was convicted last year on charges of first-degree murder, attempted murder, domestic violence resulting in death, violation of a protective order resulting in death, possession of a firearm by a prohibited person, and two counts of discharging a firearm during and in relation to a crime of violence.

On October 14, 2018, just five days after Brittney Silvers was granted a Domestic Violence Order against her estranged husband, investigators said Victor Silvers drove from his Clarksville home to the Army post where he shot her three times and shot James Keating.

Brittney Silvers was an Army Soldier assigned to Fort Campbell at the time of her murder.

The case was investigated by the FBI, ATF, and U.S. Army CID.

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