City Now Owns the L&N Depot. Now What?


The historic L&N Depot is in the hands of the City of Hopkinsville following a deed transfer from the Christian County-Hopkinsville Development Corporation that was approved at last week’s council meeting. Now, the questions are what will

Carol McCraw, 75 of Hopkinsville

Carol McCraw, 75, of Hopkinsville, passed away on Friday, April 7, 2023, after a lengthy illness. The family has chosen cremation with a Celebration of Life Service to be held on April 22, at 2 pm, at Westview

Christian County High School Greenhouse Opening April 12


The Christian County High School greenhouse will open Wednesday, April 12, with a wide variety of flowers and vegetable plants available for sale this year. Christian County Vocational Agriculture instructor and FFA advisor Mattea Wyatt says they