The military was the theme of Tuesday morning’s Christian County Fiscal Court meeting that opened with a joint proclamation by Judge-executive Jerry Gilliam and Hopkinsville Mayor J.R. Knight naming April ‘Month of the Military Child’ in recognition of the daily sacrifices made by military families.
Gilliam said those sacrifices aren’t lost on the community.
click to download audioThe proclamation was read in the presence of several Fort Campbell officials as well as community military liaisons.
Chamber Military Affairs Director Kristi Murtha also told the fiscal court that the school system is already supporting the military through the Purple Star designation. The state-sponsored program recognizes schools’ dedication and support of military students.
click to download audioMurtha said the designation is important to those military families that are looking to locate in a community.
click to download audioEach of Christian County’s eight elementary schools and University Heights Academy were named Purple Star schools this year.
The Purple Star program was started in Ohio in 2017 and is supported by the US Department of Defense, the Military Child Education Coalition, and the Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission.
Murtha also encouraged everyone to participate in Purple-Up Day on April 19 and wear something purple in honor of military children.