Myrtle Ann Yarbrough, 73, of Hopkinsville
Myrtle Ann Strong Yarbrough, 73, Hopkinsville, passed on Monday, April 10, 2023. Funeral services will be Saturday, April 22 at 11:00 at New Beginnings Ministries in Hopkinsville. Burial will follow in Trigg Memory Acres. Visitation will be
Teresa Carol Roebuck Rausch, 53, of Hopkinsville
Teresa Carol Roebuck Rausch, 53, of Hopkinsville, Kentucky died on April 14, 2023, at her home. Funeral services will be held at 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at Cerulean Baptist Church with Rev. Russ Thomas officiating.
Gerald Church, 67, of Hopkinsville
Gerald Church, 67, of Hopkinsville, passed away Saturday, April 15, 2023, at Jennie Stuart Medical Center of natural causes. Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at Lamb Funeral Home with Rev.
Evona Gaye Donnell Nunn, 68, of Hopkinsville
Evona Gaye Donnell Nunn, 68, of Hopkinsville, Kentucky died at 8:18 p.m., Wednesday, April 12, 2023, at her home of natural causes. A celebration of life will be held at a later date. A native of Hopkinsville,
Details Released In Trigg County Wreck
A Cadiz man was severely injured in a wreck on Rockcastle Road neat the Kamptown RV Resort Saturday afternoon.
Hopkinsville Traffic Stop Leads To Drug Trafficking Charges
A Christian County man was charged with drug trafficking after a traffic stop on West 7th Street Saturday night.