The Christian County FFA Chapter celebrated the accomplishments of 2023 and installed a new slate of officers during the annual chapter banquet at the Christian County Ag Expo.
The year was summed up by emotional remarks from retiring Chapter President Kenzie Johnson.
click to download audioState FFA Pennyrile Region Vice-President Maggie Goode challenged FFA members to continue to grow in the organization and after graduation.
click to download audioMeanwhile, during the awards ceremony Noah Hook presented the High Point Award to Addison Gilkey.
Anna Westerfield presented the Star Greenhand Award to Addison Gilkey.
The Star in Agribusiness award was presented to Lilly Westerfield by Randy Goff.
click to download audioEvan Myers presented the Star in Production award to Nathan Hale.
click to download audioThe Star in Placement award was presented to Marleigh Griffith by Caleb Moss.
click to download audioThe officer team inducted Isiaih Scott and Jasmine Scott, Barbara Dulin, Bradley and Angela Hale, Tommy Hawkins, Jr, Chip Stallons, and FFA Advisors Victoria Mohon and Jake Jaworski as Honory Chapter Members.
The officers also handed out several awards to members that have participated in contests throughout the year. They presented Greenhand and Chapter FFA Degrees, and the chapter advisors presented medallions to the graduating seniors.
To conclude the banquet the new officer team for Christian County FFA was inducted. Lynslee Cansler was named President, Claire Lacy as Vice-President, Cheyanne Rodgers as Secretary, Anna Westerfield was named Treasurer, Addie Gilkey was named reporter, with Noah Hook named Sentinel, Caleb Moss was Parliamentarian, Megan Hale assumed the Chaplain duties.
Photos by Jennie Watts
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