With a theme of “Growing Home” Hopkinsville Mayor J. R. Knight released his first budget proposal Friday morning that includes pay raises for city employees and capital expenditures to give city workers the tools they need to serve the citizens of Hopkinsville.
Mayor Knight recapped the key points of his Growing Home plan which includes downtown and small business development, the city cleaning campaign, public safety, and a thoughtful approach to the Hopkinsville city budget. Knight says his first budget focuses on taking care of the basic business of the city.
click to download audioKnight added the revenue projections look good for 2023-24, with the proposed budget including no increase in taxes.
click to download audioHe adds the budget will include increased pay and incentives for Hopkinsville city employees.
click to download audioKnight adds the budget will also prioritize giving city employees the resources they need to serve the citizens of Hopkinsville.
click to download audioHe ended his budget address by playing a video focused on the Growing Home initiative with Starship’s “We Built This City on Rock and Roll”, who will headline Friday night’s Summer Salute in August.
Knight also recapped the points of the Growing Home initiative and the steps the city is taking to implement the plan.