Hopkinsville City Council approved the appointment of a new city clerk to replace Crissy Fletcher after she retires August 1.
Council members unanimously approved the hiring of Brittany Byrum to fill the post being vacated by Fletcher August 1. The ordinance was read by an emotional Crissy Fletcher.
click to download audioHopkinsville council voted to approve first reading of the 2023-24 fiscal year budget that calls for receipts and expenditures of more than $48 million.
click to download audioCouncil also approved first reading of the capital budget for the coming fiscal year that authorizes the expenditure of nearly $2.1 million dollars for various departments of city government.
Council members voted unanimously to approve the amended compensation plan that calls for shift differential pay for some city positions, with the ordinance read by City Clerk Crissy Fletcher.
click to download audioCouncil members gave their approval the rezoning a section of property in Peachtree Place Subdivision that was described by Community and Development Services Director Tom Britton.
click to download audioAnd Council approved the rezoning of a section of property near Old Concord Lane from industrial to residential.
Hopkinsville Fire Chief Steve Futtrell recognized the efforts of the firefighters that were responsible for saving the life of a lady named Courtney, who was on hand for the recognition Tuesday night.
And Mayor Knight and City Councilman Matthew Handy recognized Raquel Mills, who was recently accepted into Harvard University. And they recognized De’Michal Hall for being the first member of his family to graduate high school when he recently earned his diploma from Hopkinsville High School.