Hopkinsville Kiwanis Hears Intimate Details On St. Luke Free Clinic

Heading full-speed into year two as the executive director for the St. Luke Free Clinic, Trigg County native Tiffany Turner-Jenkins had much to say during Thursday afternoon’s Kiwanis Club of Hopkinsville meeting.

Originating in 1993, she noted it was an important place for Christian, Trigg and Todd counties, giving their citizens an opportunity to visit with a medical professional regardless of economic background or the lack of strong, or any, insurance coverage.

Currently serving more than 900 patients, Turner-Jenkins said those numbers have only continued to rise during her tenure. There were 39 new patients received in 2022, and as of Thursday, there 32 new patients in 2023 — with four applications out for completion and potential approval.

This has required an increase of volunteers. Especially since she and her staff were notified back in the spring that with Medicare and Medicaid costs going back to pre-COVID restrictions, the expectation should only be more in need coming through the doors.

All of these associates, she said, report and give medical aid following their own full-time hours elsewhere — setting aside one day a month, at their best time available, to see patients.

Turner-Jenkins is at the clinic Monday through Thursday from 8:30 AM until 4 PM. Sometimes later, if needed.

Two recent encounters further confirmed her presence pivotal.

A third project led to affordable Eliquis for a patient just this week, through patient assistance programs at pharmaceutical companies.

Known as “Apixaban,” it’s used to prevent serious blood clots from forming due to certain irregular heartbeats, and/or following hip/knee replacement surgery.

St. Luke Free Clinic, according to its data, mostly sees men and women between the ages of 45-to-64. More than 40% of all patients are married, meaning there usually is a dual income that still isn’t meeting medical care costs, and only 39% are listed as single.

Also, more than 52% of the clinic visits come from confirmed American citizens, meaning there is a large portion of either legal migrant or undisclosed walking through the doors.

She added that 25% of patients are full-time employees, 26% are part-time employees, and the remaining 49% are either self-employed, contract labor or unemployed. More than 30% are under the 100% federal poverty line, and many are at or under 250%.

For stark clarity, the 2023 federal poverty line was set at $14,580 for individuals (or $1,215/month), and $19,720 for a marriage.

The top three diagnoses: hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia — or in layman’s terms, high cholesterol.

Often, Turner-Jenkins said people “don’t know what else to do,” and more often than not need financial relief on required medications. Donations to the pharmacy, she said, allow their pharmacists to fill certain requests.

Running strictly on grants, the clinic has been financially independent from local clergy and the Christian County Health Department since 2013. A fundraising sports raffle — targeting tickets for the Tennessee Titans, Nashville Predators and more — will have more details made available closer to October, while the Color Run is planned for September 9.

And there is one specific practitioner the clinic really needs.

St. Luke Free Clinic is located near the CCHD and Jennie Stuart Health at 408 West 17th Street, and can be found on Facebook.

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