Trigg County FFA Is Successful At State Convention


Trigg County FFA went to state convention this week and will be coming home with winners of the state competitions.

Sarah Sink won second place with her Service Learning Proficiency and first place with her Swine Proficiency.

Anna Sink won first place in Ag Public Speaking Poultry.

Trigg County took multiple teams of students to compete at state. Their Ag Sales CDE team was made up of Clayton Litchfield, Jase Sprenger, Elizabeth Hitter, and Jacey Holmes. Other competitiors were Elizabeth Hitter- Extemporaneous Speaking, Aubree Freeman- Creed Speaking, Clayton Litchfield- Ag Public Speaking Horse, Khloe Ladd- Ag Public Speaking Swine, Tyler Jacobs- Ag Public Speaking Turf/Lawn, and Landi Rogers- Ag Public Speaking Dairy.

Photos courtesy of Trigg County FFA Facebook

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