Todd County FFA recently went to State Convention to compete in a multitude of events. All their practice and preparations paid off, as they come home with many with many awards and accomplishments.
Madison Frogue, Emily Frogue, and Scottie Berry all participated in the SAE Proficiency Contest.
In Speaking Contests, Rylann Griggs was a Quiz Bowl Finalist. Meredith Carter was a Goat and Sheep Prepared Public Speaking Finalist. Mollie Skipworth was a Greenhouse Prepared Public Speaking Finalist. Emma McGhee was a 3rd Place State Winner in Nursery Prepared Public Speaking.
In various FFA contests, there were many different winners. Natalie Shemwell was a KY FFA Got Talent Finalist. Mollie Skipworth was a KY FFA Shark Tank Finalist. Harley Buckley and Klarisa Brown placed 2nd in the KAAE Agricultural Advocacy Video Contest.
Students receiving their FFA State Degree are Madison Frogue, Emma McGhee, Laura Evitts, Luke Jenkins, Landon Tomica, and Isabella Dossett.
Madison Frogue made history at Todd County Central by being the second person ever in Todd County and the first female from Todd Central to be awarded the Kentucky FFA State Star in Agricultural Placement. This accomplishment recognizes her countless hours and effort in her SAE and the FFA organization.