Beshear Lauds Trigg County’s Jolly Way Transportation Project

Governor Andy Beshear showcased Jolly Way and the City of Cadiz during his “Team Kentucky” update Thursday afternoon — shedding more light on a funding arm for a needed transportation spur for the community.

Beshear noted $140,000 in discretionary road funding through the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet went to Cadiz, which in turn improved traffic flow from the nearby Trigg County Schools bus garage, while providing frontage for five current and incoming local businesses.

In a two-minute video review of Cadiz and Trigg County Schools, Cadiz Mayor Todd King, Trigg Schools Superintendent Bill Thorpe and Trigg Schools Director of Transportation Erin Eagleson all spoke on the dire need of this road — all of which began with simple conversations alongside former Judge-Executive Hollis Alexander.

Thorpe described the process therein, which took roughly a year or so from idea to completion.

Eagleson noted it’s just something that needed to happen.

King said the people of Cadiz have taken to the installation well.

Beshear also noted the project delivers on some key themes of his administration: increasing traffic safety, support public schools, and boosting economic development.

The video and b-roll can be found here:

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