South West Kentucky EDC Director Carter Hendricks says work is underway to improve infrastructure in the Interstate 24 Business Park in Trigg County.
Hendricks told the Cadiz Rotary Club during their recent meeting a grant will help fund a major sewer system improvement for the park and east Cadiz.
click to download audioHendricks says he and his staff continue to work with existing business and industry to make sure they have what they need to grow and prosper.
click to download audioWhen asked a question about available housing in the region to meet the needs of existing and new industry, Hendricks says more private investment is needed.
click to download audioHe did predict an increased need for housing in Trigg, Christian, and Todd Counties.
click to download audioHendricks also discussed the spec building in the Interstate 24 Business Park and noted efforts are underway to market that building to potential industrial clients.