Record Wheat Harvest Reported In Christian County
Christian County farmers are seeing a record wheat harvest this year. Matt Futtrell, Ag Extension Agent, has heard great reports from farmers in Christian County and the surrounding areas. click to download audioThere is also excitement surrounding
Hopkinsville Rotary Hears Update On Boys And Girls Club
The Hopkinsville Rotary Club had their weekly meeting and heard an update from Terrance Davis with the Boys and Girls Club of Hopkinsville-Christian County. Davis started off by praising the local Boys and Girls Club. click to
Salvation Army Staying Busy This Summer
The Salvation Army in Hopkinsville has had a busy summer so far and they are excited for what the rest of the summer is going to bring. Lt. Lindsey Galabeas says the Hopkinsville Salvation Army took twenty-five
Woodlands Education Short Course Coming To Pennyrile State Park
The Kentucky Department of Forestry is partnering with Pennyrile State Park to bring a Woodlands Education Short Course to the area. Matt Futtrell, Christian County Ag Extension agent, is excited about this oppurtunity and says it’s important
Infrastructure Improvements And Housing Development Important To Area Counties
South West Kentucky EDC Director Carter Hendricks says work is underway to improve infrastructure in the Interstate 24 Business Park in Trigg County. Hendricks told the Cadiz Rotary Club during their recent meeting a grant will help
Transportation And Horticulture Tours Highlight Ag Agents Conference
Agriculture and Natural Resource Extension Agents from across Kentucky will learn about agriculture transportation and horticulture before celebrating highlights of the past year during their annual meeting this week at Kentucky Dam State Resort Park.
Todd County Ag Agent Curt Judy Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
Fellow county agriculture extension agents from across Kentucky honored Todd County Agriculture Agent Curt Judy for 44 years of service to farmers.
Catalytic Converter Reported Stolen In Hopkinsville
A catalytic converter was reported stolen off of a truck on Charles Garnett Drive in Hopkinsville Wednesday morning.
Hopkinsville Police Looking Into Stolen U-Haul
A U-Haul rental truck was reported stolen in Hopkinsville Wednesday morning.
Woman Charged With Trafficking Fentanyl In Hopkinsville
A woman was charged with trafficking fentanyl after a vehicle that had been reported stolen was located on Locust Street in Christian County Wednesday afternoon.