Pageants for children will fill the stage at the convention Center as a part of Faith and Family Night at the Western Kentucky State Fair Sunday.
Fair board President Brad Hewell says 4,320 patrons attended the Western Kentucky State Fair Friday night to enjoy the first Jump and Run at the grandstand. Saturday night 7,590 visitors passed through the fair gates to watch pageants in the convention center, the Demolition Derby, and the beef show among other activities. The grand stands had a capacity crowd Saturday night for the demolition derby that was won by Jeremy Brown.
Sunday activities include pageants for all ages inside the convention center at 1:00, Faith and Family night activities at 6:30, and antique tractor pulls at 3:00 at the grand stand. Those attending the fair with a church bulletin will receive free admission from 2 until 5, with free rides with a church bulletin from 3 until 5, and $20 ride armbands from 5:00 until closing time.
The Western Kentucky State Fair continues through Saturday, July 1, at the fair grounds in Hopkinsville.