The Western Kentucky State Fair Home and Garden Show had a great turnout this year with entries being up since Covid and more first time participants than any other year.
The overall winners with the most blue ribbons are:
- Jan and Rich Hornbeak with 70 blue ribbons
- Nancy Bullard with 39 blue ribbons
- Kristi Thomas 21 blue ribbons
The overall grand champions in each category are:
- Home Furnishings- Judith Chandler
- Photography- Eli Morris
- Canning- Jennie Watts
- Marketable Skills- Cheyenne Peterson
- Flowers- Kristi Thomas
- Garden- Aimee Vass
- Foods- Angela Hammer
Any class champion that is a 4H entry will have a chance to go on to compete at the Kentucky State Fair. Entries can range from photography, crops, art, baked goods, and sewing. The 4H youth will sharpen their skills all year leading up to the Western Kentucky State Fair.
For photos of the many entries, click here.