A revised set of fines for a variety of code enforcement violations in Hopkinsville are one step closer to becoming law after first reading Thursday night.
Hopkinsville City Council met for a special called meeting after the July 4 meeting was canceled due to the holiday. City Clerk Brittany Byrum read the amended ordinance to the council for the first reading, with the ordinance detailing the increase in fines.
click to download audioThe ordinance passed after the first reading, with a second reading planned for the next council meeting Tuesday, July 18.
Council also approved the first reading of the city-wide recycling program, with City Clerk Brittany Byrum noting that the ordinance calls for the program to be voluntary.
Byrum noted a wide list of items that can be recycled, but there are some items that cannot.
click to download audioCity Council approved the rezoning of the Peachtree Place subdivision and the Old Concord Lane area after second reading of the ordinances. Council approved closing an alley between East 15th and East 16th Street. They approved the appointment of Brittanie Bogard to the Human Rights Commission to replace Nichelle Hillis. And Council gave their approval to the reappointment of Angelique Victor to the Cable Television Oversight Authority.