Beshear Delivers Major Dollars To Trigg And Calloway Counties

A large contingent of Trigg County’s leaders drove across the lakes empty-handed Friday afternoon, only to leave Calloway County’s Wrather Hall and the proud campus of Murray State University with a bevy of large checks — following a visit with Governor Andy Beshear.

Of the $1.5 million announced in local investments, and courtesy of both Beshear’s office and the Kentucky General Assembly, Cadiz and its citizens will benefit from the following:

*More than $427,000 from the “Cleaner Water Program,” headed to the city to replace nearly 2,600 linear feet of sewer line from Line to Lincoln streets along the walking trail, behind the Trigg County Schools campus;

*More than $427,000 from the “Cleaner Water Program,” headed to the Barkley Lake Water District to construct a new sludge storage lagoon at the Water Treatment Plant;

*More than $63,000 to the Cadiz-Trigg County Tourist and Convention Commission, for tourism and marketing funding to support travel and promotion;

*More than $100,000 of non-profit assistance to the Land Between the Lakes Association;
*And more than $5,300 of non-profit assistance for the St. Stephen Parish of Cadiz.

While much of this funding comes from federal avenues like the American Rescue Plan Act, it still had to be appropriated and allocated through local, regional and state legislation.

The Cadiz City Council and its Public Works Director Craig Oakley have long been in discussions about how to solve the sewer cluster forming around new construction.

According to Cadiz Mayor Todd King, this project is one step closer to fruition.

Created July 21, 1965, the Barkley Lake Regional Water District serves the eastern shores of Lake Barkley, as well as for residents in Christian, Lyon and north Stewart County in Tennessee. Manager, John-Michael Herring, noted many rural residents are about to see some positive changes.

Land Between the Lakes Association Director of Operations and Chief Operations Officer Jim Taylor called LBL a “wonderful place of nature that God has given us,” and that kids, in particular, need places to have experiential learning.

That place resides in the full western third of Trigg County, as well as Lyon and Stewart counties, and with Marshall nearby.

Kerry Allen, with Cadiz-Trigg Tourism, noted these dollars should go a long way to bringing more visitors to this part of the Commonwealth.

Specifically: new way-finding signage to the downtown Cadiz area.

Before speaking, Beshear received a strong and standing round of applause from what was nearly a full auditorium. It’s his second visit to MSU’s campus during his time in office, with the first coming in 2021 following the announcement of special solar array installments for the Hutson School of Agriculture.

Beshear, who had just come from observing flood damage in Mayfield, told the crowd this isn’t the end of investments for west Kentucky.

Friday’s gathering also had several other leaders in attendance, including MSU President Bob Jackson, Murray Mayor Bob Rogers, Calloway County Judge-Executive Kenny Imes, State Representative Mary Beth Imes, PADD Executive Director Jason Vincent and his staff, and many others.

And it also came with one very large surprise.

For years, the Murray Art Guild, its leadership and its patrons have been exploring expansion, or a rebuild entirely, of its Fourth Street facility.

Now, they have their chance, as Beshear revealed the organization received a $750,000 community development block grant for a new state-of-the-art facility — one that will provide new community studios, individual art spaces, a new retail space and a gallery.

Similar to the Janice Mason Art Museum in Cadiz, it’s proof that local works and traveling shows need a home. Debi Danielson, MAG director, learned just this week they had been awarded the monies.

The rest of the $1.5 million went to the following:
— $18,189.22 to Murray State University from the Law Enforcement Protection Program.
— $100,000 for WATCH Inc.
— $100,000 for the Murray Calloway County Need Line Association
— $84,192 for Neartown
— $64,154.24 for the Murray Main Street/Murray Downtown Farmers Market
— $50,450.95 for Court Appointed Special Advocatess (CASA) of Calloway and Marshall
— $37,026.02 for St. Leo’s Parish of Murray
— $14,510 for Murray Calloway County Community Theater Arts
— $7,938.73 for Serenity Recovery of Western Kentucky
— $2,112.73 for The Salvation Army, Calloway County

After finishing at Wrather Hall, Beshear went to Lovett Auditorium, in order to speak with students on campus for the Governor’s Scholars Program. To date, Beshear is the only Kentucky Governor to have come from the Commonwealth’s long-running enrichment and advanced academic program.

Other written from local authorities:

“I am excited to see how the awards announced today will help improve our community. It is crucial that we continue to fund things like the Nonprofit Assistance Fund, the Cleaner Water Program and the Law Enforcement Protection Program. Each of these funds ensure essential parts of our communities are safe and accessible. They also help to improve the lives of those within our communities through a strong economy, safe drinking water and safe roads.” ~ Rep. Mary Beth Imes, of Murray

“The awards announced today will be instrumental in ensuring our community will have access to clean water and so much more. I am proud to be a part of a legislature that allocates money to these types of programs so Kentuckians can live healthier and safer lives.” ~ Rep. Walker Thomas, of Hopkinsville

“These infrastructure upgrades provide Trigg and Calloway counties the needed framework to enhance the overall quality of life in our communities. These are improvements not only for our nonprofits and law enforcement, but the residents they selflessly serve.” ~ Sen. Jason Howell, of Murray

“I am excited to be given the opportunity to utilize this funding to showcase Cadiz and Trigg County in markets we were just unable to reach. Thanks to the leadership of Gov. Beshear and the Kentucky Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet, even small communities like us can share our story with potential visitors. Tourism is a vital industry for us with Lake Barkley State Resort Park, Kentucky Lakes/Prizer Point KOA and Land Between the Lakes right here in our county. We will be able to market and promote Cadiz and Trigg County through television, radio and digital media and print our first real visitor’s guide. We are thrilled.” ~ Bill Stevens, executive director of the Cadiz-Trigg County Tourist and Convention Commission

“Investing in infrastructure, law enforcement, tourism and nonprofits are investments in a brighter future for Trigg County. At the local level, we work very hard to improve the lives of our people. When the state helps out like this, it relieves a financial burden from the county and moves all of us in the right direction.” ~ Trigg County Judge/Executive Stan Humphries

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