Author Ross Gay Helps Kick Off 9th Season Of The Big Read


The 9th season of Hopkinsville’s Big Read kicked off Thursday night as Author Ross Gay shared poems from his third book “The Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude” at the Alhambra Theater.

Pennyroyal Arts Council Director Margaret Prim and Museums of Hopkinsville Christian County Director Alissa Keller said the Big Read has taken participants on several journeys over the past nine years.

click to download audio 

Prim says this year’s Big Read takes a different turn with poetry.

click to download audioAfter the introduction Gay shared a number of poems from his book including a portion of “Wedding Poem”.

click to download audioGay tells the News Edge “The Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude was not his first book.

click to download audioGay says many authors have inspired him, including a well-known Hopkinsville native.

click to download audioThursday night’s kickoff begins a journey of gratitude through The Big Read season with a number of events planned through the fall. All those on hand for the kickoff received a free book courtesy of Planters Bank, with the author Ross Gay autographing the books for many.


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