Cadiz Public Works No Longer Picking Up Upholstered Items

During Tuesday evening’s Cadiz City Council meeting, Public Works Director Craig Oakley made public a concern his workers faced in the month of August.

Bed bugs.

Oakley confirmed that at least one unnamed employee had to deal with the pest following an assignment, which brings with it raised red inflamed bumps and blisters often in lines, clusters and zig-zag patterns.

The bites are often termed “breakfast, lunch and dinner” by medical professionals, who typically observe patients with allergic reactions, infections and inflamed lymph nodes from the insect’s bite.

Furthermore, bed bugs don’t just hang out in crummy spaces. They, too, like the comforts of clean beds and five-star hotels.

And though unlikely, Oakley said there’s also a concern of passing bed bugs from one house to another.

As such, council members and Mayor Todd King agreed that, moving forward, Cadiz Public Works won’t be picking up couches and other similarly-upholstered materials from homes and businesses any longer.

A similar decision was made years ago, when it was brought forward that mattresses were causing the same issues for city employees.

Oakley said he understands where there might be concerns or dismay about the decision. The city’s next special pick-up is scheduled for Monday, September 11, and families might not have great options in the moment to dispose of these bulky materials.

Oakley notes there is another option. And, no, it’s not illegally dumping or burning them.

Call GFL.

Special dumpsters, he added, can also be ordered for a cleanout.

Their website:

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