Trigg County Marching Band competed at Roy Stewart Stadium in Murray, Ky Saturday afternoon. The band placed 10th overall and 2nd in class 2A.
Other local bands who competed were: Mayfield (Class 1A, 1st place), Todd County (Class 1A, 2nd place), Caldwell County (Class 2A, 3rd place), Christian County (Class 4A, 1st place), and Hopkinsville (Class 4A, 4th place).
Overall, Murray Marching Band received 1st place overall with an 83.55 while Christian County Marching Band received 2nd place with an 82.65, and Madisonville Marching Band received 3rd place with a score of 81.2.
A total of 18 bands competed this Saturday.
Photos by Courtney Brame. Story by Jennie Watts.