The top-grossing movie of 1985 is serving as the theme for Friday’s fundraiser for the Museums of Historic Hopkinsville and Christian County.
Executive Director Alissa Keller said the ‘Save the Clock Tower’ block party will be held Friday night on Liberty Street next to the Pennyroyal Museum at 6:00 with a concert at 6:30.
click to download audioIn the movie ‘Back to the Future’, lightning strikes the clock tower at 10:04 pm on November 12, 1955. Thirty years later, there is a community fundraiser to save the clock tower atop the courthouse in the fictional Hill Valley.
In reality, at 3:49 a.m. on March 31, 2023, a windstorm caused damage to the Woody Winfree Fire and Transportation Museum.
Keller said there was damage to the east wall, windows, and the clock tower which was built in 1926.
She said the Hill Valley clock tower served as the inspiration for the Hopkinsville clock tower.
click to download audioIn addition to the block party and music, Keller said another 80s favorite will be on site.
click to download audioKeller said insurance has paid for some of the cost of the repair but private fundraising will help cover the rest as well as other museum expenses.
click to download audioShe said tickets are $50, and reserved tables with seating for 10 people are $600. The museum has tickets available on Eventbrite.
click to download audioKeller encourages everyone to come to the block party in their favorite 80s attire with the weather forecast calling for a cool evening but no mention of lightning and the 1.21 jigawatts that come with it.