October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time dedicated to acknowledging the victims and increasing awareness regarding the devastating impact of domestic violence.
Stephanie Boaz from Where New Beginnings Start, a Christian counseling service in Princeton, says domestic violence can affect women and men. She says statistics show that 1 out of 4 women and 1 out of 9 men are victims of domestic violence.
click to download audioTypically, victims of domestic violence seek legal recourse for protection, but Boaz says that the abuse is likely to persist in the future.
click to download audioAnd, according to Boaz, Kentucky has now implemented statutes for batterers.
click to download audioAnd she notes what happens in the home can also affect the behavior of children.
click to download audioBoaz says victims are also hesitant to reach out for help due to feeling ashamed, but she emphasizes there are programs out there to provide assistance like Sanctuary, Inc. in Hopkinsville.
click to download audioShe also offers programs to help victims as well as those with anger issues.
click to download audioShe says people make mistakes, but they need to disengage and step away when anger arises.
click to download audioFor more information, call (270) 625-8211, send a message to Where New Beginnings Start on Facebook, or send an email to wherenewbeginningsstart@gmail.com. She says someone is always monitoring these communication channels and they will get back to you. Boaz says don’t hesitate to ask for help because we all need assistance at times.