Bellwitch Story At Torchlight Tales A Great Way To Share History

Torchlight Tales drew a large crowd to Jeffers Bend Saturday night to enjoy the Bellwitch story that was presented by William Turner and Wayne Goolsby.

The pair kept the crowd on the edge of their seats during the event as they relayed the story of Kate; the Bellwitch and her haunting of John Bell and his family in the 1800’s in Adams, Tennessee.

click to download audioGoolsby and Turner say the sharing of the story is a great way to engage young and old in history.

click to download audioDr. Eric Putty, who portrayed John Bell, was among the characters that roamed through the crowd Saturday night and says he enjoys participating in events with Turner and Goolsby.

click to download audioTorchlight Tales is held each October at the Jeffers Bend Environmental Center in Hopkinsville.

Torchlight Tales 2023

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