Trigg EMS Toys For Tots Ready To Serve Families This Christmas


The Trigg County EMS Toys For Tots program will serve more than sixty children this year, with the number of families down from previous years.

Trigg County EMS and Toys For Tots Director Jason Meador told the Cadiz Rotary Club Tuesday their numbers are lower than in previous years.

click to download audioMeador says although the name is changing in 2024, they are dedicated to continuing to serve children as the Trigg County Elf Magic Squad.

click to download audioHe adds families can pick up their Christmas presents at a building on the Trigg County Hospital campus.

click to download audioMeador says pickup day is always rewarding for all of the Trigg County EMS volunteers who help with the program each year.

click to download audioThe Cadiz Rotary Club is among the organizations that contribute to the Trigg County EMS toy drive each year.


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