National Ag Day is coming up on March 19 and while this day is set aside specifically to appreciate agriculture, The Kentucky Soybean Board likes to do that year round! Through exhibits at the Kentucky State Fair and National Farm Machinery Show, the board likes to create plenty of educational opportunities for everyone talking about all things soy and soybean farmers. For this National Ag Day they have available multiple resources for students preschool-high school. Visit their website kysoy.org/education for videos for all ages or the Soy Much Fun activity book. The Kentucky Soybean Board says they almost guarantee everyone who watches will learn something new. Kentucky Soybean Board Chairman Barry Alexander of Cadiz, also reminds us that agriculture can be for everyone, “And you don’t have to be a farmer to have a career in ag. We need researchers and accountants, bankers and veterinarians, crop consultants, seed sales reps, and drone pilots. Agriculture touches everything, and the number of people on diverse career paths that it takes to keep things moving is staggering.”
For more information on soybean farming in Kentucky, visit www.kysoy.org.