Trigg Says Thank You To Agriculture, Presents Several Awards

Trigg County says thank you to agriculture with the help of well-known livestock judge and youth mentor Terry Burks, who has officiated more than 1,200 livestock shows in 28 states across the country. Burks told those on
Kentucky Senate Looking Over Proposed Biennium Budget This Week

Jason Petrie, Chair of the Kentucky House’s Appropriations & Revenue Committee, said they expect to get the full budget back from the Senate this week.
Cadiz City Council Officially Approves 5% Annual Water Rate Hike

Cadiz City Council quickly convened in special session Tuesday night — unanimously approving the second reading of the 5% annual ordinance permanently raising local water and sewer rates in perpetuity, and until further notice.
Holley Officially Sworn In As Cadiz Fire Chief

In 1999 and 2000, during his junior and senior years at Trigg County High School, Josh Holley had a pager in the campus office.
Cat Saved, Building Damaged In North Drive Fire

A building on North Drive in Hopkinsville was badly damaged in a fire Tuesday night.