The Cadiz Lions Club will be hosting its annual Easter egg hunt on Saturday at West Cadiz Park.
Club President Marsha Pater said they will have an abundance of prizes for the winners.
click to download audioShe also said the Easter egg hunt is open to children who can walk up to 10 years old.
click to download audioPater said the annual event is organized by the Lions Club but they get help from a variety of others each year.
click to download audioShe added they can use more help if you are interested.
The Lions Club has been a part of the easter egg hunt for over three decades. Pater said it was close to the heart of late club member Bill Abel.
click to download audioThe Lions Club Easter egg hunt will begin Saturday at 1:00 at West Cadiz Park. WHVO 96.5 and 100.9 FM will be broadcasting live