Work is underway to discover and address the needs at two Christian County Public Schools thanks to a federal grant to create Community Schools. More than 150 parents, students, staff, and community members attended the first of three meetings to brainstorm the needs of the Community Schools. Director of Full-Service Community Schools, Nicole Poindexter says the meetings will culminate in an action plan.
click to download audioPart of the brainstorming was to determine what stakeholders see as needing improvements. Those in attendance were asked to finish three statements: I want students and families that are, I want schools that are, and I want a community that is. All responses were written down on Post-it notes and stuck on their respective giant sheets of paper.
The plan will allow the School District to spend $60-65 thousand per school over the next five years.
click to download audioShe says Freedom Elementary and Christian County High School were named in the grant.
click to download audioThe National Education Association says community schools focus on what students truly need to succeed – whether it’s services and supports like free healthy meals, health care, and tutoring, or systemic changes like shifts in school culture, policies, and approaches to teaching and learning. Poindexter says Community Schools are built on the 3 Cs.
click to download audioChristian County was awarded the grant funding in October last year. The next Collaborative Combined Leadership meeting will be April 23 at 6 pm at Virginia Street Baptist Church Fellowship Hall.