Serving in the role of Director of Military Affairs for the Christian County Chamber of Commerce, Shannon Lane shared what he has been up to since he was hired in September.
Lane, a retired Army veteran with over 21 years of service, spoke to the Elkton Rotary Club Wednesday. He shared that helping those leaving the military adapt to our region has been an area of focus for him for the last eight months.
Lane added that all schools in Christian, Todd, and Trigg counties will be certified ‘Purple Star’ by the end of the current school year.
Connecting those in the military to the Military Affairs Committee is something that Lane said helps them feel more welcome in the region.
Lastly, being there when tragedy strikes.
Lane said helping in these ways will increase the number of people who stay in our region when they leave the military. One of the main focuses of the committee is making sure those leaving, decide to make Kentucky their permanent home.