Christian County High School Greenhouse is open once again. Come by and pick up some things to help your garden flourish!
Educator Mattea Wyatt talks about the variety and pricing of plants in the greenhouse.
click to download audioWyatt also talks about how her students take on a leadership role with the greenhouse.
click to download audioWyatt says the greenhouse will be open each school day.
click to download audioThere are also two Saturdays that they are open, Wyatt says.
click to download audioAs Wyatt mentioned, Mother’s day is coming up quick. Find the perfect flower, or even hanging basket!
click to download audioThe students running the greenhouse are knowledgeable and ready to help with plant care, she says.
click to download audioWhether you are looking for the perfect Mother’s day gift or starting your flower garden, Christian County High School Greenhouse is the perfect place to go! The greenhouse is located behind Christian County High School on Glass Avenue.
Photos by Christian County Agriculture Department
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