Trigg County High School will have a new principal by the end of May.
That’s according to Superintendent Bill Thorpe, who during Thursday night’s Board of Education meeting unveiled the timeline before a decision is finalized.
That survey to high school staff and students grades 8 through 11 poses a series of questions and axioms seeking rankings from “not important” to “very important,” and includes:
— Every student is treated equally.
— The principal must maintain order and structure.
— The principal must promote accountability.
— The principal ensures teachers encourage and push students to learn.
— The principal is willing to listen to student concerns.
— The principal makes difficult, but fair, decisions.
— The principal forms as student advisory committee.
— The principal resolves student conflict.
— The principal is willing to make changes within the school if needed.
It also asked two open-ended questions: “What are the barriers to learning in your school?” and “What is working well with learning in your school?” And it also posited if students would rather use textbooks or Google Classrooom and computers for implements.
In moves that takes effect July 1, current TCHS Principal Tim Bush is the district’s next Director of Transportation, while current Director of Transportation Erin Eagleson will be the new principal for the remodeled Career and Technical Education School.
In a release, Bush noted he will miss the relationships he made at the high school, but looks forward to building those same relationships at the department.
Other important dates to remember for the district:
— The CTE Honors Program will be from 1-3 PM May 14 in Wildcat Gymnasium.
— Scholarship Day will begin at 8:30 AM May 16 in Wildcat Gymnasium.
— Baccalaureate will begin at 7 PM May 19 in Wildcat Gymnasium.
— And the last day of school for students, as well as senior walkthrough and the Class of 2024 graduation, will be May 21. Graduation begins at 7 PM in Wildcat Gymnasium, just one hour after polls close for the May Primary Election.