The Trigg County Board of Education and the screening committee will search for a new superintendent to replace Bill Thorpe who is leaving June 30th to become the Marshall County Superintendent.
Board Attorney Jack Lackey to board members and the screening committee during a joint meeting Thursday night that the Kentucky School Board Association will not be assisting with the search this time.
click to download audioFollowing some guidelines to open the joint meeting, Trigg County Board of Education members detailed some priorities they are looking for in a new superintendent. Board Chairwoman Jo Alyce Harper says student achievement is vital.
click to download audioBoard member Clara Beth Hyde noted transparency is essential.
click to download audioHyde and other board members agreed another priority is for the new superintendent to live in Trigg County, which prompted a question from screening committee member Dustin Gilbert.
click to download audioBoard member Charlene Sheehan said achievement and accountability are critical.
click to download audioBoard member Teresa Allen said a new superintendent needs to focus on connecting with students and staff and bringing the district together.
click to download audioWhen asked about a timeline for hiring a new superintendent, Clara Beth Hyde June 30th would be ideal but may not be possible since applications are being accepted until June 10th.
click to download audioBoard attorney Jack Lackey clarified the screening committee’s role in the hiring process, noting they will screen candidates with the board to make the final decision.
click to download audioFollowing the joint meeting, the screening committee, which is made up of parent representatives Dustin Gilbert and Keionna Dixon, Principal representative Linsley Kinslow, classified member April Colson, and certified representatives Tracy Oliver and Brian Parker, underwent training conducted by Lackey. The screening committee then met in closed session to begin discussing some of the applications, with that discussion to ramp up when the application window closes on June 10th.